A Message of Thanks
We're taking a break for the Thanksgiving Holiday. In the mean time, a message of thanks.
We should, of course first thank the Lord and all the stars and all of the other things in the universe which conspire to allow us to exist in this moment. Unless of course we all conspire unknowingly to make them, in which case we are still in their debt. So we give thanks for that.
And second we must thank our family. Those people who helped to make us, and shelter us and clothe and feed us and support and love us, and also put up with our bullshit more than any one else. The love of family is the strongest love, through thick and thin until death do us part. If we’re really lucky. So we give thanks for that.
The truth is we seldom consider what an amazingly fantastical privilege it is to exist in this time and at this place, whatever time and place might be. As I write this sentence, I am currently sitting in my amazing home, next to my amazing wife, watching an amazing program called “Planet Earth III” and realizing that of all of the humans who have ever lived, my wife and I and all of us are the 0.0000001% who have the opportunity to watch such majesty from our omniscient, godlike perch. And there are a million things in modern life that would similarly appear like heaven to billions of ancestors before us. ‘Tis an existence devoutly to be wished. So we give thanks for that.
Finally, we must thank all of you. We took a leap of faith - 3 months ago yesterday - to try to add to the discourse, to try to describe the political world and society as it is and, hopefully, convince some folks to take a closer look at what’s happening with a skeptic’s eye. I think of The Country as a political My Cousin Vinny - the guy who has a talent for seeing through the magician’s tricks. By the way, he’s definitely palming it. So we give thanks for that.
It has been a fun journey so far, and we’re just getting started. Thanks so much for reading and listening. It means the world to me.
Have a Safe and Peaceful Thanksgiving.
PS We’ve paused billing until Monday, November 27th. All existing paid subscribers will have their bill dates extended by a similar number of days. Any one attempting to pay for a new subscription will not be able to until the 27th.