The DNC vs. RFK, Jr.
Democrats' long history of dirty tactics to tip elections has not yet eliminated the major threat to their candidate for President.
In New York City, Tammany Hall dominated Democratic politics for more than 100 years. Born as a political society shortly after the Revolution, by 1850 the Hall ran New York politics. Everything that happened politically in New York was controlled by the outfit. Boss Tweed famously stole tens of millions of dollars from the city’s treasury, and local elections were fixed by the racket. They did favors for the poor in exchange for votes, but often just paid directly to ensure their candidate’s victory. The Hall is where the phrase, “vote early and often,” originated - they did just that to fix elections.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy won Illinois by less that 9,000 votes and many believe there was an effort by the Chicago mayor/boss Richard Daley and perhaps even Sam Giancana’s mob Outfit to stuff ballots for Kennedy to ensure his election. An LA Times review of Seymour Hersh’s book The Dark Side of Camelot put it this way:
Robert G. Blakey, a former Justice Department special prosecutor, told Hersh that FBI wiretaps confirmed that the Mafia had been active in Kennedy’s Illinois campaign, providing financial backing and stuffing ballot boxes. “Can you say that mob money made a difference?” Blakey asks rhetorically. “My judgment is yes.”
In more recent elections, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been accused more than once of fixing debates, primary calendars and rules for preferred candidates Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Likewise, billionaire Mark Zuckerberg has been accused of spending hundreds of millions of dollars (Zuckbucks) to take over the operation of local voting in predominantly heavily Democratic districts to improve turnout and secure victory for the DNC.
In the 2024 election cycle, the DNC locked out any candidates not named Biden from debating the incumbent, and eventually forced Robert Kennedy, Jr. (RFK) to leave the party and run as an independent. According to RFK, quoted by the Hill:
“It’s pretty clear that the DNC does not want a primary … Essentially, they are fixing the process so that it makes it almost impossible to have democracy function. They’re effectively disenfranchising the Democratic voters from having any choice in who becomes president, the Democrat nominee.”
As the author relates in that piece, Mr. Kennedy seems to be playing out the Capra film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington in which an idealistic and naive populist goes to Congress and is quickly smeared and ostracized as he attempts to root our corruption to deliver for the people of the United States.
In an ironic twist, the party that forced RFK out of their primary is now decrying his candidacy as an independent and doing every thing in their power to thwart his bid.
The DNC has reportedly dedicated an entire department to freeze out RFK a second time. They’ve built a machine around attacking him, and according to Politico the DNC has funded: a billboard truck to follow him around, protesters to attend his rallies, attacks on his campaign site with false event information and propaganda machines like to hire more people to smear his candidacy. Further, the DNC is fighting to deny RFK ballot access in every state.
In sum, the Democratic Party bosses have been fixing elections for centuries, and old habits die hard. The most insulting part of their dirtying of our political process is that their elected officials spend an inordinate amount of time talking about “threats to our Democracy” on the one hand while the DNC is perpetrating major threats to it on the other.
The end result is we hear too much second hand analysis that seeks to discredit RFK; we don’t hear enough directly from the man. Can Joe Biden or Donald Trump clearly articulate their reason for wanting to serve as President over the next four years better than this? Watch:
HIs answers are clear and well thought out, articulating the cause and solutions to the major issues facing America that neither Democrats nor Republicans, and neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump have shown any ability to solve.
We need to break the stranglehold that the two party system has on our Republic. That is the largest existential threat we face. Do your Republic a great favor and seek out RFK’s own words and statements; the propaganda you’ve been fed about him is wrong.