Today's take from the country today is about our elections.
The US election system has become another wedge leveraged by Big Gov to divide Americans along party lines. Let's remember that for 3+ years, we spent a lot of the national effort and attention on the claim that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton continues to say that President Trump was an 'Illegitimate President," and suggested he knows that he stole the 2016 election. Adam Schiff and the democrats in Congress continue to make similar claims despite exhaustive investigations.
These investigations, by Mueller and Congress, led to precisely no indictments of any American for colluding with any foreign power - we now know that the Steele Dossier and the whole Russian story was a dirty trick perpetrated by the Clinton campaign and other powerful DC folks. In fact the Steele Dossier is the actual interference into the election by foreign agents (Steele a British national spy, fed misinformation from Russian sources and was paid for this work by the DNC and the Clinton campaign). More on that from Durham.
Now those same DC folks are shocked - just incredulous - that the people out here in the country question the legitimacy of the very next Presidential election - in 2020. Despite a series of items that legitimately raise questions about that election.
Time did an exhaustive piece about all of the ways that the DC folks colluded with The Big Tech folks and the Wall Street folks to change the rules of the 2020 election. Many if not most of the changes were made illegally (unconstituionally) by governors and lower level bureaucrats. Our constitution clearly states that only state legislatures may make changes to election process - and that never happened. Couple that with the collusion of Big Media and Big Tech to suppress legitimate news that Joe Biden was compromised by Chinese and Ukrainian business interests through his son and it’s no wonder that the folks are questioning the election’s fairness.
I hate to be on this track again (replaying the 2016 election) but its really relevant to understand where we are. People are questioning the 2020 election just as 2016 was questioned. What really got me on this topic is that I saw Fiona Hill on CBS Face The Nation on October 10th. She said something interesting - that the January 6th riot was a level of protest in America not seen since the Civil Rights and Vietnam War protests. But what she and the host seemed to ignore is the most important aspect of this comparison - in all three cases, the protestors had real grievances. I find it troubling that they refuse to see that when protests rise to this level of seriousness, there is often a very good reason. And, to continue the analogy, Ms Hill and all of her DC friends who continue to decry the riot of January 6th and advocate for more security state policies and a domestic war on terror, are now playing the part of Nixon and the establishment of the 60s and 70s. They represent the oppressors of the country and are for more and more invasive, unconstitutional restrictions on the people's rights - to speech, to assemble, to seek redress from their government. These protestors feel the system is rigged and that they no longer have a voice in it. You can argue about the 2020 election all you want - you may be right if you dismiss their claims - there’s an argument for both sides. But when you zoom out from the fray, the evidence of the protesters’ powerlessness against the authoritarian might of the federal government and the security state is easily demonstrated.
This takes me to tomorrow's topic - we no longer have a functioning constitutional republic.