Why Do We Need A Republican Party?
They don't cut profligate spending or balance budgets. They don't protect our rights or our border. They don't stop inflation or corruption. What is it that they do?
I’ve written recently here about the reasons Kevin McCarthy (in my mind) didn’t deserve to lead House Republicans in Congress. He is a darling of K Street lobbyists, and did nothing to fix the broken workings of Congress in his nine months of leadership. I don’t blame the man personally, he is a captured creature of the dirty, deep state workings of the federal government that enriches elite and entrenched interests to the detriment of the people, our livelihoods and our future.
There was hope though that after his ouster Congressional Republicans in particular and conservative leaders in general would view this as a wake up call. Enough. Here and no further. This is the time for a sea change in which the people win back the people’s house and their government.
Instead, what we’ve gotten over the past two weeks in typical Washington bullshit. I am sorry but there is no other word for it. We have watched the Republicans meander about directionless as various interests compete for power, for power’s sake. None of these so-called “leaders” have the people in mind.
Things We Don’t Need
The American people do not need a Speaker so they can send their blood and treasure to Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine should be supported by Europe; Israel needs no financial support.
The American people do not need a Speaker so that the Republicans can save face in their never-ending struggle to win cheap theatrical points against their democratic rivals in Congress. No one cares.
The American people do not need a Speaker so he or she can push through another Continuing Resolution or Omnibus bill that locks in $2T deficit spending, uncontrolled inflation and crony government/corporate graft. We would rather the government close, until such time as a Balanced Budget Amendment can be passed.
The American people do not need Jim Jordan to change the tax code so he can be the Speaker, as we do not need to subsidize profligate spending in New York state.
Things We Need That No US Congressperson Has Delivered
For all of their talk, not one of the issues that are most important are being resolved at all in Congress:
Congress has not passed a SINGLE appropriations bill before the October 1 deadline since 2019, including 0 this year. The Speaker promised to fix this.
The national debt is $33T and a staggering 120% of GDP. Every member of Congress (current and past) is wholly responsible.
The annual deficit for this past fiscal year is expected to eclipse $2T - the highest ever except for the first COVID pandemic year. And the CBO projects it will remain that high for the next decade. McCarthy (as Minority Leader and then Speaker) presided over this profligacy.
There has been no vote in Congress for a Balanced Budget Amendment, as the Speaker promised.
The Continuing Resolution that recently passed - and cheered by many - locked in that $2T+ deficit spending while adding MORE spending.
Inflation continues at historic highs; the average family spends $700 more per month on basic goods and services than they did 2 years ago.
There were 2.7M encounters of illegal aliens at the Southern Border in FY2022 and will likely top 3M in FY 2023; a vast majority were released into the United States.
We’ve spent $113B on Ukraine, which bought us 500,000 dead and a stalemate with no end in sight. There is no plan to win, exit or stop funding this useless war.
Congress, despite promises to the contrary, continues to fund speech regimes at DHS and other agencies that engage with BigTech to demand censorship of citizen’s speech.
No one has been held accountable at the FDA or within the government for lying to doctors that Opioids like Oxycontin are non-addictive. The opioid crisis continues unabated.
No one has been held accountable at the CDC or otherwise for lying to the American people about the risks of the COVID vaccine
No one has been held accountable at NIH or NIAID for funding gain of function research that likely created the COVID virus and escaped the lab in Wuhan; and then covering up both.
Time For a New Party?
For all of the above reasons, I really can’t think of a reason to support the current Congressional Republicans nor why it matters who the next Speaker is. Perhaps a new party, dedicated to the principles of Lincoln and Kennedy, would do the people some good. Perhaps it will force the globalist warmongering uniparty in Washington to start listening to the American people and their needs.
I suspect my friends on the left would do well to create a fourth, more progressive party for their own sake. Certainly RFK, Jr. was forced to leave the Democrats as the party elites worked at every turn to lock him out and thus enforce the status quo of Joe Biden “leadership.” That does not make a lot of sense for my progressive friends, when 75% of them want someone else.
One thing is clear - the status quo serves very few. We need a major course correction before this country continues its current course to more war, debt, and poverty, and ultimately the dustbin of history.